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NetWare server Optimization,

things to look at after the basics have been covered. These should be checked periodically to accomodate changes is server usage patterns.

Load Monitor if it isn't already running

from the main screen, make note of the current numbers for Packet Recieve cache Buffers, Directory cache buffers, & current server processes

If you are still running IPX on the server(s) and have any MS Windows in the environment, then there is a setting that can significantly affect Broadcast storms. For all NetWare servers running IPX that are not operating as a router, IPX NetBIOS Replication Option should be set to 0(zero). If you are not using the NetWare servers to route Microsoft NetWrecking packets, then it can set that to 0 on all the NetWare servers. This can also be configured in INETCFG, Protocols, IPX, Expert Configuration Options:, Advanced Packet Type 20 Flooding:
IPX NetBIOS Replication Option (Advanced Packet Type 20 Flooding) Explained TID 10027840

NSS optimization is still a new art that I don't yet have a good set of easy rules to pass on, but the evolving NetWare 6 doc help alot


Novell TIDs of relevance

NetWare Performance Troubleshooting and Tuning Guide TID10018661 (says for TCPIP but is really good for all tuning)

NetWare Performance, Tuning and Optimization TID10012765

GroupWise 5.5 Tuning, Optimization, and Sizing Recommendations from the October 1999 AppNote

Before calling support for OS Issues 2938836

Before calling support for DS Issues 2938838

Before calling support on 4.x / 5.x DS Issues 2938839

Before calling support on Client Issues 2939526

Step by step loading a server with a startup problem - TID10060420


Last updated 2014-01-08 Copyright © 1996-2022 Andy Konecny andyweb @