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GMS Troubleshooting Tools

Troubleshooting Tools and links for Micro Focus's GroupWise Mobility Service.


dsapp is a tool created by a pair of Novell support techs to make a whole pile of cumbersome processes so much easier, such that it became THE goto tool for most things. Alas, times change, they both moved elsewhere and stopped supporting it. The very last version did have a burst of things added/fixed just before Shane left in late 2017. dsapp works on all GMS running on SLES 11 or earlier, but the Python shift in SLES12 kills it. So far Micro Focus hasn't done anything we can see about this, so to encourage them Vote to update dsapp

The first wiki has some of the TIDs for manually doing what dsapp makes easy. The second wiki has the most current descriptions and switches.

To get a list of users by space used, see KM000002153. Similar to dsapp 7,6,2

On 18.3+ increasingly dsapp functionality is being incorporated into the mcheck tool, server:/opt/novell/datasync/tools/mcheck # python3 mcheck.pyc
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Last updated 2022-03-11 Copyright © 1996-2024 Andy Konecny andyweb @